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       In the pigeon models for meat, the French b choice is most preferred because this is a famous meat breed, each year a pair can lay 8-9 litters, weighing birds clearly (28 days old ) reached 530-580g / child. This bird is highly adaptable to climatic conditions in our country, the survival rate is 94-99%.

       Pigeons are often used for food such as cooking porridge, stew to improve health. According to Oriental medicine, pigeon meat calculator, salty, rich nutrition, aromatic, sweet, is good food for the elderly, children, patients and pregnant women. Pigeon contains 9.5% protein, 6.4% fat, sugar and calcium compounds, iron, phosphorus ...

        Pigeon meat is a good source of energy, used in the case of weight loss, loss of appetite, forgetfulness, insomnia, nervous depression, poor nutrition, ... In medicine Traditionally, pigeons are used with the name of cable or bird cable, including birds (humiliating cable), birds (cable). In some cases, bird eggs (egg yolk) are also used. It is because of these precious characteristics that pigeon meat is very valuable in the market: a pair of seeds sold on average 550,000 VND / pair of birds, while the pigeons are 120,000 VND / pair.


         Prairiechicken in the hemorrhoids have slender body. The males have a colorful coat; neck, back and wings are crimson and orange, green; chest hair and black belly; crests and cheeks are bright red; red eyes; brownfield; gray-blue foot. The females have brownish and dark feathers, and other parts are males.

         The name of the forest chicken in traditional medicine and folk experience is painted millet. Medicines are meat and chicken feet.

         Prairiechicken contains 24.4% protid, 4.8% lipid, 14mg% Ca, 263mg% P, 0.4mg% Fe, and some vitamins. Meat is sweet, warm features, has the effect of liver and kidney, strengthen the tendons. Tue Tinh (the pharmacy of the god) used the cooked chicken with onions and salt, then eat, drinking water alone, in the gut of alcohol, hot as burning fire.

         Jungle chicken legs: cure bone tenderness, legs trembling hands; healing of bleeding wounds; poisoning...

         According to folk experience, forest chicken is used to treat the chain, long chain, physiological weakness in the form of cooking, can add a little wine.

Ba Tuong Production - Trading - Service Co., Ltd. We are breeding French pigeon and forest chicken with very large industrial scale and especially with many years of experience in breeding French Dove and forest chicken, We will be happy to advise you in real life. They will visit the model and be consulted on how to care for feeding, drinking, prevention and care of birds hatching, how to design pigeon sheds to save costs. the lowest that yield the highest profit for her children.

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